The Classic Imperials – Still Standing
Imperials är en av de absolut starkaste ”varumärkena” inom amerikansk gospel.
Genom åren har de genomgått många förändringar ifråga om manskapet, och deras sång och musik har därmed också ändrats från tid till tid. Men trots det, eller kanske på grund av det, har Imperials lyckats hålla sig aktuella och fräscha. Under många år samarbetade de med ELVIS både i skivstudion och i Las Vegas.
De kallar sig numera THE CLASSIC IMPERIALS, bl a för att markera skillnaden från ett par andra grupper som också adopterat namnet Imperials och uppträder i konserter typ ”Remember ELVIS”. På 1970-talet inbjöds de av Samuelsons till ett flertal turnéer i hela Skandinavien och gjorde starka avtryck och intryck på dem som såg och hörde dem. I Helsingfors talar folk om tiden ”före och efter Imperials” med avseende på den mycket uppmärksammade konserten i Finlandiahuset 1973. Sommaren 2012 var de tillbaka i Finland i 2 bejublade konserter i Iso Soitto och Saalem, Helsinki. 2013 turnerade de i Norge.
Den här nya inspelningen ”Still standing” skulle lika gärna kunna kallas ”Outstanding”, för det är just vad den är. En samling sånger med ett sound som håller att lyssna till gång efter gång och ett klockrent evangeliskt budskap som alltid varit Imperials kännemärke.
Armond Morales – Bass
Armond Morales is an original member of The Classic Imperials, and was at the helm of management for 40 years. Out of retirement, he brings back the smooth rich tone that defined the group’s sound throughout its long history. Armond brings with him his experience, including travel to 21 countries, 42-recorded projects, 17 Dove Awards, and 4 Grammy Awards. Armond’s gospel music career, culminating with his induction into The Gospel Music Hall of Fame, has re-fired to set the pace for this historical group. Armond now stands ready with The Classic Imperials, to give millions an opportunity to enjoy one of the nation’s legendary members of Christian Music.
Paul Smith – Lead/Tenor
Paul Smith is one of the most recognized members of the famed group. As an accomplished singer/songwriter/ and Worship Leader, and with a string of number one hits, three Dove Awards, one Grammy, and an inductee into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame, Paul’s return to the group has created a burst of enthusiasm about the continued success of this organization. From the first note America heard Paul sing, more than twenty years ago, until now, Paul remains one of Christian music’s most beloved icons.
Dave Will – Baritone/Lead
Dave Will, known for some of the greatest hits in gospel music, including “You’re the Only Jesus”, “One More Song For You”,” Pieces”, and ”Bread Upon the Water”, rejoins his old friends to complete the signature sound known around the world. Dave continues to offer an uncompromised life, along with his unfailing voice and quest for excellence in music and ministry.
Rick Evans – Lead/Tenor
Rick Evans is no stranger to Music. In full-time ministry since age 22, Rick brings his accomplishments to The Classic Imperials, as both a member of the Dennis Agajanian Band for 13 years, and as a featured team-member of the Franklin Graham Crusade Team. Rick has been around the world in association with some of the largest ministries in modern times, including Harvest Crusades (Greg Laurie), Promise Keepers, and Billy Graham, and adds his experience, and unique sound, to expand the already well established history of The Classic Imperials.
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