Isaacs – Naturally

159 kr inkl. moms

Isaacs Naturally

1. Little Bit Of Heaven
2. Hard Times Come Again No More
3. I Will Praise Him
4. Mama’s Teaching Angels How To Sing
5. Come My Child
6. Healin’ Stream
7. The Three Bells
8. No Shortage
9. He Can Be Found
10. Does Jesus Care?
11. Hallelujah
12. Hear The Voice Of My Beloved
When God Seems So Near
13. There’s Something About That Name
14. Peace Be Still
15. It Is Well With My Soul

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Isaacs Naturally

En av standardgrupperna i Gaither’s Homecoming Series. Deras vokala sound är genuint med harmonier som överrumplar den mest erfarne lyssnaren. Med sina akustiska instrument skapar de musik som fortsätter att vinna mångas hjärtan. Isaacs har turnerat Norge ett par gånger och har fått många vänner och supporters även i år del av världen.

The Isaacs’ world-class vocals and breathtaking harmonies take center stage in this stellar collection of ”nearly a capella” favorites featuring their award-winning combination of bluegrass, country and gospel music. Infused with originality and featuring fresh arrangements of classic favorites,Naturally is, without question, the consummate project of the Isaacs’ 30-year career.

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Vikt 0,2 kg


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